Bursary winner from 2016

Westmount, Quevec – 30 January 2017: The RMR Association (Branch 14) of the Royal Canadian Legion announces the opening of the latest iteration of their RMR Association Bursary Program.  This program is wholly funded through the RMR Association Poppy Trust Fund and administered by the RMR Association Bursary Committee.

Through this program, founded in 2013, the RMR Association (Branch 14) assumes its rightful responsibility of awarding bursaries to eligible students who are children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of any person who is serving or has honourably served in the Canadian Forces.  This fulfills one of the fundamental tenets of the basic purpose and obligations of the Poppy Trust Fund.

The RMR Association Bursary Program will award bursaries of $1,500 each for the 2016/2017 academic year. The number of bursaries awarded is contingent upon the financial resources allocated to the program, the number of applicants and their suitability.

Eligible applicants must meet ALL of these requirements in order to apply:

  1. Be a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a serving, or former serving member of the Canadian Forces (As defined in the Poppy Manual,The Royal Canadian Legion); and
  2. The student must be registered as full-time for the Fall 2016 and Winter 2017 terms at a post-secondary institution (aka an institute of higher learning, ex: CEGEP, College, University(Undergraduate Programs Only), Teachers’ College, Technical College, Trade School, Nursing School); and
  3. The sponsor (parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent) of the applicant must also be a member in Good Standing of the RMR Association Branch 14 of The Royal Canadian Legion. (Good Standing as defined under the Section INSTRUCTIONS.)

In addition to the criteria enumerated above; the winners of the bursaries will be chosen on the information contained in their application, the essay, and scholastic achievement.

The completed application and all supporting documents must be received by the Bursary Committee by 28 March 2017.

The program is open to all eligible applicants studying at an institution of higher learning, irrespective to year of study. However, subject to suitability, priority will be given to students enrolled in their first year of study. Notwithstanding the preceding, all of the requirements for eligibility and application must be fulfilled.

The RMR Association Bursary Committee of RMR Association (Quebec Branch 14), The Royal Canadian Legion, can be contacted by email at: [email protected]

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