Westmount, Quebec – 30 July 2017: On a sunny Wednesday, the Commanding Officer (CO) of The Royal Montreal Regiment (RMR), Lieutenant-Colonel John Shone, visited all of his troops undergoing individual training at the CAFB Valcartier Battle School.
Accompanied by the RMR’s Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel, LCol (ret’d) Colin Robinson, the CO first met with the School Commander and her RSM, and then toured each course that had RMR candidates and/or instructors on it.
There are 13 RMR candidates remaining on the Basic Infantry course, and seven on the Infantry Junior Leadership Course (IJLC). You can read more about the IJLC from the instructor’s perspective here and the candidate’s perspective here.
Beside those two courses, there are RMR’s taking small-arms training, and others serving as instructors on other courses.
Most of the individual training courses will be finished by the middle of August, and then the RMR will kick off the training year in Farnham with a Call to Arms exercise as the first exercise of the training year, which will include the Personal Weapon Test Level 3 on Saturday and the 13 km Load Bearing March and a grenade range on Sunday.